Expert witness

I have worked as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the NHS for the last 24 years.  During that time I have taken instructions from solicitors to prepare detailed psychological assessment reports or provide psychological therapy for clients.  I am a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a Chartered Psychologist and Chartered Scientist with the Society and am in their Directory of Expert Witnesses.

My specialist expertise is in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Panic Attacks and I have written self-help books in these areas.  The most typical instructions I receive from solicitors are:

  • To provide a detailed report on a client’s psychological state following an accident or trauma.
panic Understanding Trauma
  • To provide a course of psychological therapy to help clients overcome their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • To provide a psychological analysis in understanding a client’s behaviour in court cases e.g. was a client’s failure to give a breathalyser sample the result of their having a panic attack?

In compensation cases it may involve liaison with a psychologist or psychiatrist from the opposing body and has usually been settled out of court, although I have made court appearances as an expert witness, in every case with a successful result for the client.

I ask if I may contact them at home if there is anything I have forgotten when I come to writing up the assessment, but I rarely need to.  The in-depth interview, psychometric assessments and a careful reading of accompanying documents allow me to produce a detailed and often insightful understanding of their issues and problems.